Graphic design & creativity


How bees see the world

Or a critique of the human being as the center of absolutely everything.

Accustomed to hearing about the benefits that brands bring to human beings, I thought we had the opportunity to talk to consumers in a different way, to tell them something interesting beyond how good honey is for our health.

Acostumbrados a escuchar los beneficios que las marcas aportan al ser humano, pensé que nos encontrábamos ante la oportunidad de hablarle al consumidor de otra manera, de contarle algo interesante más allá de lo buena que es la miel para nuestra salud.

Graphic Design
Art Direction
Outdoor Photography

Lara Pumariega

Tom Hayward is a hobby beekeeper, and in his spare time he ethically harvests the honey that his bees forage from the great native forests and landscapes of Margaret River, Australia. Month after month he managed to infect me with his passion for beekeeping and bees, which led me to do a very exhaustive research on the day to day life of bees. How they move, how they interact... how they see.

Tom Hayward es apicultor por hobbie, y en sus ratos libres cosecha éticamente la miel que sus abejas recolectan de los grandes bosques y paisajes autóctonos de Margaret River, Australia. Mes a mes consiguió contagiarme de su pasión por la apicultura y las abejas, lo que me llevó a hacer una investigación muy exhaustiva sobre el día a día de las mismas. Cómo se mueven, cómo se relacionan… cómo ven.

Foragers Honey labels are a representation of this very thing. How flowers appear from the point of view of one of the bees flying free foraging in the native landscape. Kaleidoscopic shapes that form in a hexagonal grid, in a world where red colors don't exist.

Honey is a gift of nature, and this is how we wanted to pay tribute to it.

Las etiquetas de Foragers Honey son una representación de esto mismo. Cómo son las flores dede el punto de vista de una de las abejas que vuela libre por estos paisajes autóctonos. Formas caleidoscópicas que se forman en una rejilla hexagonal, en un mundo en el que los colores rojos no existen.

La miel es un regalo de la naturaleza, y así es como hemos querido homenajearla.

"A human-centered design focus unwittingly puts us at odds with everything else: people apart from nature rather than a part of nature. It promotes a kind of hyper-selfishness and a throwaway culture where true costs are routinely, artfully, elegantly, conveniently hidden."

The Imaginals -

Sunday Aug 7 2022

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